selected projects
Maestro - Directory Composition System
It has been installed partially at Braby's of Pinetown,
Telkom Directory Services, and Sylko of Durban.
The system is now being fully implemented at one place,
where the reference site will be created.
Mapping Warehouse - Computer Aided Cartography
It is a unique system, which combines standard GIS capabilities
(locations, geography, attributes) and cartography.
The system is ideal for map publishers.
MTW - Mathematical Typewriter
It is a small, but very useful tool, esspecially designed
for mathematicians and programmers. Windows version
of the mathematical typewriter is downloadable
from (free software).
Maps 4 Africa - Digital Maps Presentation
This software system is utilized by emergency services in South Africa.
It offers standard features like zooming, scrolling, locating by name,
multiple-window view, etc. as well as the option of driving
the system from an external application.
ABSA "What If" Calculator - Home Loan Financial Calculations
The programme is available in MS-DOS, Windows and Internet versions.
It helps to manage a home loan. Over 100'000 copies were made
by ABSA Bank and distributed among their customers.
Embedded C/C++ - POS Terminal Applications
Software Makers has written several applications in "C" language,
for Hypercom and Cybernet POS (Point Of Sale) terminals.
Disc operating system has been designed to simplify
the development of terminal applications.
JSEau - JSE Automation Software System
The system performs: fully automatic extracting from
Bloomberg or Reuters workstations, parameter driven typesetting,
and intelligent pagination of Securities Exchange data.